
Hi Phil,

Thank you for the reading you gave me three months ago. I recently listened to the recordings from our session. Everything you predicted from our reading is happening relationship wise.  So i wanted to tell you from the bottom of my heart you are amazing. Thank you so much.

France C. March 2024 Dubai

Hello Phil🙂

The Group hypnosis you did in Hilversum at the weekend with Jutta was transformational. 

I still feel all this love regularly. It feels like I’m a new version of myself, guided by light and love. How amazing is that? The (intergenerational) frustration, stress and other things I used to feel are gone. 

So, Thank you and bless you. ❤️

I’m on a crazy journey of healing and discovering new things. 😅🙏

July 2024 Mellisa S. Belgium

Honestly I used to be sceptical of this sort of thing.

I had never been to see a medium before I met Phil

I was feeling lost in 2014. Was lost and in some need of some guidance

I had never seen a medium before and was recommended by my Mum to see him. 

The things he told me back then sounded totally insane. ….I would go self employed and have my own fitness business! 

I would meet a tall dark handsome man and together we would make a life.  I would move overseas permanently!

Well here I am 7 years on living abroad and I definitely don’t feel sceptical any more!

Every time something happens in my life that Phil said would happen I’m Just like WOWWWW HOWWWW?!?

Phil is amazing and would highly recommend him.

Lisa Fit


July 2021

I did a reading with Phil, and he is an absolute gem. He spoke so much kindness and light into me throughout the reading. He helped guide me on some questions I had related to my calling in life and my family. His intuition and guidance is so pure, kind, and radiant. I cannot wait to work with Phil again and keep learning from him. I've already recommended him to friends and family. I have so much gratitude for you Phil!

Alex Kisi



Hi Phil. I hope that you're having a lovely weekend. I keep playing the recording from Tuesday. Thank you so much. What you have said to me has helped me so much and I am extremely grateful to you. Hope to talk with you again soon

When people have asked how I am this week I have told them about you and the perspective that I have gained. I will keep going and keep believing in myself and what's to come. Take care. Have a wonderful day and catch up with you soon




There is a sensibility in Phil that overshoots all the experiences i have made in the past 20 years.

Not only that he is utterly professional. His charm, his laughter, his way of looking directly into peoples souls becomes a blessing to everyone that gets a in touch with this beautiful soul.

I am endlessly grateful for the possibility  to work with such an extremely high vibe energetic being and also thrilled to have him as a spiritual adviser  by my side.

One cannot have a better supervision than under Phil Griggs.

He shares his love with everyone that surrounds him, either his work partners or his clients.

Highly recommend 🙏

Silvia Stojanovic

Founder and Certified Asanalovers Hatha Yoga Teacher - Life Coach 


Phil, you have changed my life! I don't even think I was this calm on planes even before I developed the fear! I listened to the recordings during the flight and honestly, I didn't panic, cry, freak out or even feel worried. Even when coming in to land in Alicante, it was very bump, I just kept calm and got off the flight feeling like a completely different person! My partner said he barely recognised me! I cannot thank you enough, I am already planning my next fear free journeys!! 

 Would recommend hypnotherapy with  Phil 100000 out of 10. 


Sophie Goode

I would just like to say thank you to Phil. He was very specific – even giving me my Dad’s name as well as others – 

Thank you – 


Glasgow UK

Hi Phil. My name’s Andrew and you saw me when I was at a very hard part of my life, I just want to say that your reading saved me from a dark path I was thinking of taking, you gave me hope and something to focus on! 

And guess what....everything you said has came true. I quit my job, got a lump of money, took time out and I have just been offered a new fantastic job to the exact date you predicted. So i just want to say if your having a shitty weekend or your not feeling great in anyway just think you saved someone's life with your amazing skill! 

Thank you and I will alway have you to thank in every success in the future! 

Much love and thank you! 


 Bedfordshire UK

“Had an absolutely wonderful reading with Phil Griggs this week. It has taken me a few days to process everything. This was my first experience with having a reading done, and I am so glad to have found Phil! I went into the reading open-minded without any expectation and was completely blown away. Phil was spot on with everything he told me. His gift is truly very special and has given me a renewed and refreshed focus in my life. I am very much looking forward to the coming months, and chatting with Phil again. I would recommend anyone looking to have a reading, to see Phil. A HUGE thank you again to Phil! Blessings!”


California USA

Hi Phil

I received a message from a lady who was at the Spiritual Friends meeting last Wednesday. I know it is good to hear when a message has been well received..........


For the last few weeks my daughter, Katie, has come along with me to the meetings and thoroughly enjoyed them. Last week, Phil gave her messages that were just what she was looking for. What he spoke to her about was so spot on, we were both a bit blown away!


You are an incredible soul. I must say this has been the most uplifting reading I have ever had. My best friend that I loved so dearly and he is so missed came through as well, wow. I must say I knew he would come through ,his personality was so large and his laughter was infectious.

Thank you for this hour has been super helpful and so very healing. 

One day when I will be ready to step on that stage I will want you to be there too.



Thank you so much for the reading today. It was the best Christmas present I’ve given to my self 


 Dallas USA

Good morning Phil!

Thank you, thank you! Just re heard the readings and am so grateful! Wishing you a happy holiday upcoming season! 

Will chat soon


Taresa 2019


Hi Phil,

Thank you so much for the reading and it was a pleasure to meet u as well. You truly have a gift and I am glad you are sharing your gift by guiding people on their life journey! I’ll make sure to keep u posted if I run into “uni-brow man “ haha. Have a blessed day.

Best regards

Susan 2019

California USA

Thank you so much for a wonderful experience Phil! The reading gave me the clarity that I needed and I feel great about everything!

Sara 2019

Michigan USA

Hi Phil,

I greatly enjoyed our reading and will definitely recommend you. It was all on point! Having a day to process everything, I feel that I want another reading with you with a few questions I thought of afterwards.

You definitely brought clarity and more assurance on where I'm headed. Thank you so much!

Talk to you soon =)

Silvia 2019

San Diego USA

Thanks Phil I I think you can expect one or two people asking for a reading themselves as I’ve highly recommended you.

Speak soon 

Sara 2019

Detroit USA

Good Afternoon Phil,

Thank you so much for the audio. It was great speaking with you yesterday. I will most definably refer you to my friends.

Happy holidays in advance and I hope you have a great time with your loved ones!

Stefany 2019

New Jersey


Hi Phil

Thank you so much it was a great reading and so helpful. I’ll definitely be recommending you to my friends and I’m sure I’ll be in touch in the future for another reading!

Chloe 2019


I’m so looking forward to the recording of our reading session, so much stuff keeps coming back to me and I’d love to relive the experience. You truly have a gift.


Geneva, Switzerland 2019

Hi Phil

Thank you so much for my reading it was awesome and I’m excited for the future!

Haha you have a great cool season!

All the best 😊


New Zealand 2019

Hi Phil,

Thank you very much for the recording: I really enjoyed our reading.

Have a lovely Christmas




I had the most unexpected experience speaking to Phil today!

Phil was able to speak to people from my past who passed away ages ago, and who came through to say thanks for experiences we had when they were alive right before they left this physical form, which I had totally forgotten.

Some of those people were very special to me, and it was as such a beautiful thing to know they feel the same way.

I feel very blessed to know that I am not alone and that my team of 100 percent Light is always working on my behave.

I like to thank Phil for his kindness and wonderful reading which I wasn’t expecting as it tapped a very soft part of my heart.

Thank you Phil! May you and your loved ones be blessed always!

Best wishes.



Phil is an extraordinary psychic, I have had so many readings with him and his predictions are always accurate. I had an interview and he predicted the time and day I would get the job offer. I was honestly amazed by how accurate he was. He can also tune into past, present and future events. Phil is very warm, caring and professional and gets straight to the point. I would highly recommend him


London UK

I would just like to say thank you to Phil. He was very specific – even giving me my Dad’s name as well as others – Thank you


I have had a reading with Phil and couldn’t believe how much he had picked up without me even saying a word , from career to emotional and love-relationship problems he covered it all . Thank you Phil for your sincere advice. I thoroughly enjoyed my reading with you and will definitely keep in touch.

Reading UK

Phil is just fabulous. He is incredibly accurate and to the point, but he also makes you come away feeling so much lighter and happier. Something in the energy he gives you during the reading.

An extremely professional, accurate, gifted psychic. I highly recommend him to anyone wanting great accuracy presented with warmth and caring.


New Zealand

I would definitely recommend attending an evening of Clairvoyance and Mediumship, delivered by Phil. It was a magical evening at Nottingham Casino, all of whom left with a smile on their face.......


Nottingham UK

 Hi Phil, I would like to say a huge thank you to you for bringing all to light.You were professional, accurate, caring , honest and direct, just what I wanted to hear. It was bad news but I would rather know the truth . I will definitely contact you to let you know how things are developing.

        I will always keep in touch with you. Thank you very much


I have just had a wonderful sensitive reading with Phil, full of content, lots of spiritual links and messages that meant so much to me and so very uplifting at this time of stress and worry, thank you. I am truly grateful and very comforted. He is a specially gifted very accurate medium and a pleasure to talk to.

Cardiff Wales 2019

'Very Positively impressed. Two very good evenings here at the Gran Sol in Calpe and looking forwards to more'. 

Trude Landlady

Calpe Spain 2019

Very Accurate readings from Phil and Helen at the Gran Sol Hotel in Calpe: 


Calpe Spain 2019

Phil, thank you so much for your readings. I am a skeptic and wanted to believe you were generalising. You are not! You told me things that only I would know...not a shot in the dark. Every single thing you have told me has come to fruition...in the time you said it would . Your abilities are genuine and amazing. I wholeheartedly trust you and recommend you to anyone who needs a little direction. Thank you for guiding me in my time of confusion!

Warm wishes,




Hi Phil, I just wanted to say thank-you for your reading. I think the way you can touch people's lives is amazing. I will definitely be recommending you to my friends and attending your group's.You have an amazing ability. Thank-you so much. 

Claire Luton UK X

Amazing communication skills to spirit and worth every minute 

Spot on having previously been disappointed with other readers I can't rate Phil enough.

Hollie Hitter 

Norfolk UK

We had a great night. My friends can't wait for the next event, you will see us again! 

Jenny Williamson 

Derby Casino Psychic Night UK

Everyone was amazed how totally accurate you were with the spirit messages 

Lyn Pepper 

Luton UK

Sell out show, good comments from the customers.

Will definitely have him back again!

Val Dawn 

Casino Manager 

Stoke on Trent UK

have been working with Phill since 2012 and he has helped me immensely with my confidence in running.

As an international long distance runner the competition is always fierce and the confidence boost I have received by visiting Phil, through having hypnosis, has been invaluable.

My pre race routine is now a lot less stressful and my nervous energy has decreased enabling to focus more on myself, the race and not the competition.

I would highly recommend Phil, based on my personal experience and my less stressful life because of his techniques.

Darren Deed Luton UK

Norwich Past Life Regression & Inner Life Affirmation Workshop

Very relaxing and entertaining workshop revealing many insights to our inner worlds, served up with a delicious lunch.

    A    France

Very enlightening  workshop, helping me to understand the reasons why I feel the way I do about certain situations.

Inner Life Affirmation was a beautiful experience, opening my mind to unexpected discovery. It has taught me to learn to have faith and trust and learn to be more positive!

Thank you!

R Powell

A powerful experience to regress to past life discoveries, amazing experience!

Super Day! Felt more and more relaxed and increasingly open to my unconscious mind as the day progressed.

E West

Thoroughly enjoyable day! Explanations given to all areas of the workshop followed by practical sessions. Extremely interesting, thought provoking and often emotional.

Thank you!


Really enjoyed the day. Uplifting and relaxing. Phil made you feel very welcome and relaxed!

Thank you.

Enjoyable and interesting day. Inner Life Affirmation- very relaxing; would like to know more!

A Great day

Knew that I had to attend this workshop but didn’t know why? I’d been getting images of butterflies and eagles arriving in my dreams for weeks! Got to the workshop and discovered the importance of transformation linked to the butterfly, freedom linked to the eagle and images unfolding of all that I am. My life is changing and evolving from what seems like a chrysalis into something amazingly very different, not sure what but the view is incredible.

Great workshop of discovery. 

S Hughes

Great workshop. Phil is a brilliant and professional trainer, highly recommended for self empowerment and development. Past Life Regression was fascinating, definitely something to be worked on and within the future.


Great day, learn’t a lot, professional tutor. Facility was excellent. Reinforced, life is what you make it, have faith and believe in yourself, abundance is all around you!

Great Day Pwi-Ha Li.

Very good day, food was excellent, enjoyed the different journeys. Phil was funny and informative.

By going back into the past and getting rid of baggage I feel I am now able to move forwards into the future. Great day, enjoyed the atmosphere and venue. lovely food.

Thanks Phil


Fantastic Day. In my past life I got run over by a car! In this life my twin sister got injured by a car running over her! Hows is that for Karma and balance?! Inner Life Affirmation showed me I have the power within me to achieve all of my ambitions. Thank you for a lovely day!


I am so grateful for all that I learnt today. I had an amazing discovery; I need to walk before I can run with my ambitions. I would like to do more workshops with you Phil. 

Thank you


I am so delighted to have done the Past Life Regression and Inner Life Affirmation Workshop. I was amazed how easy it was to follow Phil’s guidance and explore different past lives. Details are still coming back to me, they are amazing. Thank you Phil

I went to see Phil recently, I was having confidence issues, low esteem, anxiety, plus health problems. With his expertise in what I called "brain training', he taught my subconscious, to understand & believe in myself again. With my new way of thinking, I'm more relaxed...more confident and it sounds corny but I'm at peace. . I have a new job, and can face the world again.  

Thank you Phil, for all you help. 

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend you.

Kim Luton UK

To whom it may concern July 2013;

Re: Mr. Phil Griggs

I would like to recommend Mr. Phil Griggs as I recently worked one to one with him as part of his 3 R’s programme.

I was impressed by his professionalism, personality and depth of knowledge. I really did feel that the work we undertook was of great benefit to me. I have no hesitation in helping to promote the outstanding work he is doing.

Phil enabled me to structure my very busy schedule using an innovative suggestions and viewpoints. I would never have managed to see where I was or even where I was going to without his suggestions. His work is both informative and interesting. My time with Phil was very well structured, and I feel, crucial for me to continue with my fast paced professional and family duties.

I rarely recommend and/or put my name to work carried out by individual professionals. The recent course however was life changing for me. It has enabled me to evaluate my recent past, the present and my future lifestyle. It has made me a better leader at work and family member at home.

Yours sincerely,

Joe Selmes

Head Teacher.

Weatherfild Academy




I contacted Phil for my self esteem and confidence issues. Honestly I wasn't a true believer but it was worth to give hypnosis a try!  

Phil made me feel safe, he was kind, funny and extremely empathic to my situation . Despite this I had still doubted the effectiveness of the hypnosis ... I was wrong ...oh so wrong!

I cannot find the words needed to thank Phil for changing my life, more importantly for changing how I now feel about myself ! 

I will always recommend Phil Griggs, I'm unsure how he does it but whatever he does it works and I will always be grateful! 

Marlene UK 2018

Weight Releasment Therapy worked for me by naturally altering the way I used to eat food. The last three weeks of the workshop were the most powerful mind altering influences. I have lost loads of weight with no real effort, it just happened! I now have a completely new attitude towards food. I would like to add, the Weight Releasment Therapy Workshop has been more than just food issues for me, the Hypnotherapy also Empowered me in other areas of my life, thank you!

Gillian Ormston

Hypnotherapy worked for me! Lost the obsession to eat so much food. Lost weight very comfortably, the Weight Releasment  Workshop has taken the hard work out of losing weight. This has been fun, enjoyable, enlightening and relaxing! Given me loads of light bulb moments and made me feel so much happier in myself.

Lyn Parsons

Stress Management & Weight Releasement completely changed the way I feel about my life! Will recommend this workshop to my friends.


Hypnotherapy for cravings really worked, I loved being hypnotised, it help me reach my goals.


I really enjoyed Phil’s Stress Management Workshop. I found Phil to be a great motivator. I would definitely recommend this workshop to my friends, it absolutely met my expectations and more.

D Atkins 2018

Thoroughly enjoyed the course. The benefits are working as I’ve not snacked on my favourite foods since starting the course 6 weeks ago.

Mary S

Hi Phil, 

On behalf of the Bedfordshire Fibromyalgia Support Group I would like to thank you for coming to

our meeting on Tuesday. 

As you know fibromyalgia is a very misunderstood condition and it is critical for our group members to have the opportunity to come together and discuss new ways of coping with it, and to prepare for their future.

 As a group we regularly discuss pain management, and your informative presentation was thoroughly enjoyed.  Those of us who have pain as the primary symptom of our fibromyalgia were especially grateful for the discussions that took place, and your understanding of fibromyalgia.  It was thoughtful of you to add personal observations to each group member.  Your talk also gave us a great boost and hope that our pain can be managed without adverse effects from medication.  We found your comments regarding the conscious and subconscious mind especially intriguing.

Your delivery was so engaging that I lost all track of time and didn’t manage to cover any of the

other agenda items!  By any measure, you are a very effective speaker and educator.

             Thank you again for an enlightening and stimulating presentation. 

Kind regards,

Peta Reynolds (Mrs)

Disability Resource Centre Dunstable UK 2017

Went to see Phil Griggs on 17th March 2008 at 2.35pm for an appointment to be hypnotised to stop smoking.

Phil’s calming voice made me feel very relaxed and at ease. Although I was under hypnosis I felt as though I was in a sleep state but aware of what Phil was saying.

Four years on from that day I am happy to say I am still a truly thankful “Non Smoker”. Thank you for helping me to achieve a personal goal, I’d longed to do for such a long time. 

Beverley Hay 2014

Bedfordshire UK

l love Phil's style and professional approach and would definitely recommend Phil to anyone, particularly for those of you who are considering a reading for the first time! 

You are a very talented individual!

JN March 2018


I had heard Phil was good but I had no idea just how accurate he could be - 

I was amazed that he knew about my life plans thatI thought no one else knew

Kim Summerville 2015

Essex UK

Hypnotherapy worked for me. I lost 5kg in the space of 7 weeks. I naturally avoided cravings and found through the help of Weight Releasment Therapy I lost weight effortlessly.

CS Bedford

Stress Management & Weight Releasment completely changed the way I feel about my life! Will recommend this workshop to my friends. 2019


Hi Phil. You did a reading for me last November and I thought I’d leave it a little while before I gave you some feedback. Wow! You have been spot on ! You predicted I’d be moving around April time and that I got a new job, I’d been held back by family issues but I was free to move on. Well I started my job on April 18th in chesterfield, and relocated. I’m still so blown away by how accurate you were. I ditched the other man in my life after your advice and I’ve been really happy since meeting him. I’ve done a lot of healing over my first love passing away, since hearing from him and with your messages that you passed on. I always listen to your recording and it couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. You truly are blessed with a wonderful gift. Thank you again. I always tell people about your readings and how they surpass any other psychic or clairvoyant. 

H. Barker 2019


Hello Phil, its Rachel from Dunstable, I just wanted to let you know, that the girls you all read for have taken such positive actions as a result of your readings, they all feel very good about themselves, and me too. I went on a date last week, so we are all happy....and again thank you x

Genting Club Riverlights Morledge Derby

Hi Phil,

Just wanted to drop you a quick mail to say thank you so much for an amazing evening.  The feedback I received from customers on the night was brilliant , following the event I had messages from customers asking when the next one will be..


As I mentioned we have a reserve list of 20 who missed out and want to book already.


We will certainly be looking to use you again for future evenings at the venue.  ‘You were professional throughout , friendly , humorous and spot on with many of the group readings, went above and beyond with private 1:1’s staying till the early hours’.

Kindest Regards

Claire Sutton 

Sales & Events Manager

Genting Club Riverlights 

Thank you Phil

We had a great night. My friends can't wait for the next event, you will

see us again! 

Jenny Williamson 

Derby Casino Psychic Night

Derby UK

Just a quick email  to say thank you to you and Mystic Worlds for the Ghost Hunt.  I really enjoyed it and the table tipping was the best yet - amazing!

JK Luton UK


Sell out show, good comments from the customers.

Will definitely have him back again!

Val Dawn Casino Manager

Luton G Casino

Phil was lively and entertaining, the Psychic Night was a Sell Out Success.

Thank you 

Kiran Raval 

Sales & Events Manager Luton G Casino UK

I had previously been to Phil Griggs for a Clairvoyant Reading and the predictions were always accurate, I was aware Phil also practised hypnosis so it was logical I should try hypnosis for my self esteem and confidence issues. Honestly I wasn't a true believer but it was worth a try! 

Phil made me feel safe, he was kind , funny and extremely empathic to my situation . Despite this I had still doubted the effectiveness of the hypnosis ... I was wrong ...oh so wrong!

I cannot find the words needed to thank Phil for changing my life , more importantly for changing how I now feel about myself ! 

I will always recommend Phil Griggs, I'm unsure how he does it but whatever he does it works and I will always be grateful! 

Marlene Luton UK 2016

I’ve just had a reading with Phil for the first time.  He is probably the ONLY person I’ve ever had a reading with who has convinced me that true clairvoyance is at work.  His no-nonsense practical approach is startlingly accurate and he willingly answers questions without waffling.  He described my character to a ‘T’ without being given any information and he predicted that my estranged daughter would make contact within days which she did.  He is the best reader I’ve ever consulted.

Sue Uk May 2012

Hypnotherapy Workshops

"I had a nagging pain in my elbow joint for a good 3-4 months and it wasn't getting any better so I received Hypnotherapy from Phil Griggs and very soon afterwards the pain went completely and what a relief that was!!  I wasn't in agony but it had become very wearing and annoying that I couldn't lift things without wincing so I had to be careful and it didn't help that it was my right arm.  Delighted that I'm pain free now thanks to Phil and the power of Hypnosis!  Don't knock it til you try it...  June Kelly, 

Dunstable" Jan 2016

Weight Releasment Therapy worked for me by naturally altering the way I used to eat food. The last three weeks of the workshop were the most powerful mind altering influences. I have lost loads of weight with no real effort, it just happened! I now have a completely new attitude towards food. I would like to add, the Weight Releasment Therapy Workshop has been more than just food issues for me, the Hypnotherapy also Empowered me in other areas of my life, thank you!

Gillian Ormston 

Hypnotherapy worked for me! Lost the obsession to eat so much food. Lost weight very comfortably, the Weight Releasment  Workshop has taken the hard work out of losing weight. This has been fun, enjoyable, enlightening and relaxing! Given me loads of light bulb moments and made me feel so much happier in myself.

Lyn Parsons

Dunstable UK

Hypnotherapy worked for me. I lost 5kg in the space of 7 weeks. I naturally avoided cravings and found through the help of Weight Releasment Therapy I lost weight effortlessly.

Clive Selby 

Bedford UK

MANSHEAD UPPER SCHOOL: Psychology Department. 

Thank you for a very professional and friendly presentation about your work as both a psychic healer and medium. Both staff and students found the day extremely enjoyable and very thought provoking. Conducting talks to 16-18 year olds can be quite a challenge, yet your presentation style, blended with appropriate practical activities was ideal for this cohort. The engaging experience has really helped reinforce some key learning goals in our study of paranormal psychology, and encouraged students to reflect on both their experience and personal beliefs.  After such a successful event, I am hoping your guest lecture can be become an annual feature for Manshead Social Sciences.  Thanks again for your time

Kind regards

Anthony Pagett 

Assistant Director of Standards 16-19, Manshead Upper School Dunstable UK

Watford Football Club

The Mind, Body and Soul Fayre Phil organised in our Corporate Lounge was a huge success, this was the first one to be staged at Watford Football Club and I was very impressed by the professionalism shown by Phil and Debra and the variety and uniqueness of the stall holders exhibiting.   

Thank you once again.

Nicholas Alibey, Meetings and Events Manager, Watford Football Club. UK

William Morris Labour Club - South Oxhey Watford

The Evening of Clairvoyance with Phil & Michaela was amazing! They both excelled in their Psychic Powers and proved a great hit with members and guests.

Kind regards Mandy Shumake. Events Manager WMLC UK

March 2014

William Morris Labour Club Mystic Craft & Holistic Fayre

This is the first time we have held a Purple Moon Mind Body & Soul Fayre at our venue. We were amazed by all the colourful stalls and was well attended by the public!

Kind Regards Mandy Shumake. Events Manager WMLC


Psychic Powers Taster Day Workshop

Hi Phil,

Recently attended  your Psychic Powers Workshop. Just wanted to make it publicly known this is one of the best workshops I have ever been involved with. You set a great pace, it was fun, you came across to the group in such a good manner I/we felt and understood every part of the course. I will recommend you to my friends and thoroughly look forwards to your next event.

Best wishes CH 2014 Wales


Thanks for a great workshop last weekend! I am so looking forwards to your next event. Both myself and my friend thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Food was great and hotel was very plush! Think you may have a waiting list for your next event!


Nick Norfolk UK

Hello Phil,

Just wanted to say what an inspiration you are. Your workshop was so enjoyable. You made us laugh as well as presenting a fabulous psychic powers taster day. It was difficult to say which part I enjoyed the most, however I am drawn towards doing all your follow on events especially the tarot.

Thanks ED 2014

Norfolk UK

I would like to leave a testimonial following a recent reading with Phil. Having come to a relative crossroad in my live I was seeking some clarity with regards to what lay ahead for me. Phil was calm and informative detailing things about my life that had happened in the past accurately. He was empathetic and reassuring. With regards to messages from the spirit world, I have always been a little sceptical however he mentioned a lady who told him things about what I had been doing that know one would have known. I must admit that this took my breath away. Over the course of this week, things have been happening as Phil had predicted and I have taken heed of his words and have approached these new challenges in the way I should. I thank Phil from the bottom of my heart for his kind words and look forward to having a reading again.

Ravi UK June 2014